Saturday, 28 February 2015

Azul & Machoire !!!

Azul & Machoire

Azul, Machoire, booN and Glam Affair

Gown from Azul - Camille (Champagne)
Earrings from Machoire - Ain
Skin from Glam Affair - Sophie Polar (love in the Air 01)
Hair from booN - SCO052 (Blonde)
Eyelashes from Mai Bilavio - Clumpy Princess

Friday, 27 February 2015




Cardigan from Baiastice in Uber - Rociao
Short from Baiastice in Uber - Cael HW Shorts
Necklace Baiastice in Uber - Boho Laces Necklace
Manicure from Nailed It - Dark Set
Hair from D!va Gacha - Giz (Type A - Brown Diamond)
Skin from Glam Affair - Sia (Fairy Tales - America 05)

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Today... I Wear ...

Today ... I wear...
Today ... I Wear

Blouse, Top and Pants from Sascha's Designs - Meringue
Sunglesses from Glamistry - PU2001 (White)
Hair from Tukinowaguma - Gabiela
Skin from Glam Affair - Sia Skin (Fairy Tales - America 05)
Necklace and Earrings from Maxi Gossamer - Ritzy
Shoes from YS&YS - Capri Sabot Lace

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Baiastice Lingerie @ The Liaison Collaborative

I am Sexy and You know it ^^
I am Sexy and You know it ^^

Lingerie from Baiastice in The Liaison Collaborative - Lace (Ghost), Leather (Purple)
Manicure from Nailed It - All in One Pack - French M Dark Set
Skin from Glam Affair - Sophie Polar (Love in the Air 04)
Hair from Lelutka - Lorella Hair (BlondeFun)
Head Accessory from LODE Gacha in The Chapter Four Peony Crown (Dry-Rare) and Peony Double (Plum)
Necklace from Donna Flora - Lumiere 2

Friday, 20 February 2015

So Cute !!

So Cute ^^

OMG cant resist this Cute skin and just only 50L for FLF (20th Feb 2015)haha ... such wonderful 

Skin from Glam Affair - FLF Brandi Sweet (America -01)
Hair from D!va - Ange (Moon Stone)
Eyelashes from MaiBilavio - Clump Princess Lash

Thursday, 19 February 2015


NYU@C88, L'Accessories, GizzA

NYU@C88, L'Accessories, GizzA

Dress and Mark from Marukin/NYU in COLLABOR88 - Bunny (Winter and Spring)
Hair from Gizza - Giz-Hair (Milk Tea)
Clutch from Pink Acid in L'Accessoies - Date Night Solid Gold Clutch
Shoes is from Essenz in L’accessoires - Brussels
Manicure from The Wicked Peach in L’accessoires - Sparking Wine
Skin from Glam Affair - Sia (Amercal 06)

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Happy Chinese New Year !!! 恭喜發財!!!

恭喜發財 !!! Happy Chinese New Year

謹祝各位新年進步 !!! 恭喜發財、身體健康 !!! Happy Chinese New Year !!! 羊羊得意、一帆風順、萬事如意、丁財兩旺、財源滾滾、出入平安、五福臨門、喜氣洋洋、百無禁忌、一團和氣、吉星拱照學業進步、官運亨通、客似雲來、家宅平安、水頭充足、肥到漏油、九九同心、富貴雙全、三羊啓泰、盤滿砵滿、十全十美、工作順利、放假有薪、發財好事、平安如意、七星拱照、風生水起、美艷動人、年年有餘、得心應手、迎春納福、從心所欲、天長地久、恭賀新禧、吉星高照、靚足一世、招財進寶、新春大吉、馬運亨通、五豐穀收、恭喜發財、中六合彩、旗開得勝、東成西就、橫財就手、歡樂年年、步步高陞、水漲船高、波馬亨通、生意興隆、搵好份工、闔家歡樂、虎虎生威、百業興旺、黃金萬兩、新春如意、福星高照、家庭幸福、竹報平安、笑口常開、家庭和美、八方來財、富貴有餘、千事吉祥、精神爽利、老少平安、花開富貴、萬事勝意、上落平安、心想事成、虎步龍行、豐衣足食、財源廣進、新春納吉、天下太平、財運亨通、貨如輪轉、身壯力健、六六大順、百事亨通、身體健康、迎春接福、吉祥如意、進宅大吉、金玉滿堂、闔境平安、金銀滿屋、門庭若市、人興財旺、開張大吉、事業成就、飛黃騰達、三陽開泰、龍馬精神、一本萬利、做好份工^^

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Zenith's Group Gift for Chinese New Year

Zenith for  Chinese New Year Group Gift

Zenith for  Chinese New Year Group Gift

Dress and Wreath from Zenith - Cherry Blossoms (Red and Pink)
Hair from Tukinowaguma - Sadie
Skin from Glam Affair - Sia Skin (Fairy Tales - America 08)
Earrings from Mandala - Shippoah (Gold and Silver)
Shoes from Ricielli - Lady Peep (Red)

Monday, 16 February 2015

L'Accessories First Love & Nicky Ree

L'Accessories First Love & Nicky Ree

L'Accessories First Love & Nicky Ree

Dress is from Nicky Ree - Amelie Dress (Yellow - Group Gift)
Earring from Kunglers  in  L'Accessoies First Love - Finrod (Silver Amethyst)
Clutch from E-Clipse in L'Accessoies First Love - Cupido (White/Silver)
Bracelet from Jam in L'Accessoies First Love - Angel Heart (White)
Manicure and Pedicure from The Wicked Peach in L'Accessoies First Love- Sparkling Wine
Shoes from Hollyhood in L'Accessoies First Love - Holly (Nude Crush)
Skin from Glam Affair - Love in the air (Polar - 04A)
Necklace from Maxi Gossamer - Little Memory Locket (Long)
Hair from Exile in COLLABOR88 - Scribbled Hearts (Blonde)

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Zenith @ The Fantasy Gacha

Zenith @ The Fantasy Gacha

Zenith @ The Fantasy Gacha

Wreath from Zenith - The Fantasy Gacha - Peony Flowers Tribal Wreath (Rare)
Headdress from Zenith - The Fantasy Gacha  - Breeze Painted Fungus and Flower Headdress  A (Rare)
Dress from  Zenith - The Fantasy Gacha - Tribal Beaded (Red)
Skin from Glam Affair in Love Is In The Air - Sophia Polar (Love in the air 04)
Eyelashes from MaiBilavio - Clump Princess Lash

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Love Is In The Air - Glam Affair, Tableau Vivant, LpD, Dudora 3D, Swallow

Love Is In The Air - Glam Affair, Tableau Vivant, LpD, Dudora 3D, Swallow

Items from Love Is In The Air 
Dress from LpD - Angela Dress (White)
Skin from Glam Affair - Sophia Polar (Love in the air 07)
Hair from Tableau Vivant - Liebe Hair (Blonde)
Necklace from Swallow - StreamPunk Heart (Woman
Shoes from Eudora 3D - Dahlia Pumps

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Love Is In The Air

Love Is In The Air - Gizza, Glam Affair, Wasabi Pills, Maxi Gossamer, LaGyo

Items from Love Is In The Air 
Dress from GizzA - Cecelia Dress (Cream)
Heels from GizzA - L'amour (Cream)
Hair from Wasabi Pills - Valentina (Rya)
Skin from Glam Affair - Sophie Polar - Love in the Air 01
Necklace from Maxi Gossamer - Little Memory Locket (Short)
Flower from LaGyo - Flower Silhouette (Mouth)
Pose from Label Motion - Lindsey Pose

Head Accessory from LODE Gacha in The Chapter Four - Peony Crown (Dry - Rare)

Monday, 9 February 2015

Love Is In The Air

Love Is In The Air

Love Is In The Air

Love Is In The Air

Items in Love Is In The Air

Hair from D!va - Angelica (Moon Stone)
Skin from Glam Affair - Love In The Air (Sophie Polar - 04)
Dress from Baiastice - Karin (Mint)
Glasses from Crie Style - Voglia (Cacao)
Wall Frames from Build Works -L8ve Frames (Black)
Balloons from What Next - Sweetheart Balloons Decor and Balloon Photo Holder
Pose from Label Motion - Misha Pose

First Love at L’accessoires

First Love at L’accessoires

Pose from Picture This! in First Love at L’accessoires - Two Muse

First Love at L’accessoires

Right - MeiMei Shiu 
Rain Coat and Umbrella from PurpleMoon Creations in First Love at L’accessoires - Madison (Grey) Shoes is from Essenz in First Love at L’accessoires - Brussels

Left - Mui Mukerji 
Rain Coat and Umbrella from PurpleMoon Creations in First Love at L’accessoires - Madison(Black)
Cluth from E-Clipse in First Love at L’accessoires - Cupido Cluth
Shoes is from Essenz in First Love at L’accessoires - Brussels
Nicklace from sYs in First Love at L’accessoires - Juliet (Black)
Manicure from The Wicked Peach in First Love at L’accessoires - Sparking Wine
Skin from Glam Affair - Sia (Fairy Tales - America 08)
Hair from booN - DARE83 (Blonde)

Sunday, 8 February 2015

First Love at L’accessoires - OPENED !!!

First Love at L’accessoires - OPENED!!!

 First Love at L'accessoires

22769 | an Lar | Baoba | Cila | E-clipse | Elysium Essenz | Hollyhood | Jam NailArt | Kunglers | Lybra Modern Couture | No. 7 | Nomi | Picture This! Pink Acid | PosESioN | Purplemoon | [sYs] The Wicked Peach | VRSION/LODE | Zibska

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Yo Te Amo - Love Is In The Air

I Love You ... Yo Te Amo
Me Glamistry - AMARYLLIS

Dress and Hat from Azul - in Love Is In The Air
Shoes from Glamistry - AMARYLLIS
Skin from Glam Affair - Sia (Fairy Tales - America 08)
Eyelashes from MaiBilavio - Clump Princess Lash
Hair from MOON in N21 - RIPtide
Necklace and Earrings from Maxi Gossamer in FaMESHed - Arabella Wild Pearls
Manicure and Pedicure from alaskametro - Pastel/Gold

Monday, 2 February 2015




Good Morning ^^

Glamistry - Statice

Shirt from NYU in FaMESHed - Stripe Ruffle Collared Shirt (Pink)
Skirt from NYU in FaMESHed - Pocket Skater Skirt (Green)
Shoes from Glamistry - Statice Heels
Skin from Glam Affair in COLLABOR88 - Sia Skin (Fairy Tales - America)
Earrings from Mandala - Shippoah (Black)
Hair from booN - YN0421 (Blonde)
Eyelashes from MaiBilavio - Clump Princess Lash
Sunglasses from Zoom - Ozzy Sunglass