謹祝各位新年進步 !!! 恭喜發財、身體健康 !!! Happy Chinese New Year !!! 羊羊得意、一帆風順、萬事如意、丁財兩旺、財源滾滾、出入平安、五福臨門、喜氣洋洋、百無禁忌、一團和氣、吉星拱照、學業進步、官運亨通、客似雲來、家宅平安、水頭充足、肥到漏油、九九同心、富貴雙全、三羊啓泰、盤滿砵滿、十全十美、工作順利、放假有薪、發財好事、平安如意、七星拱照、風生水起、美艷動人、年年有餘、得心應手、迎春納福、從心所欲、天長地久、恭賀新禧、吉星高照、靚足一世、招財進寶、新春大吉、馬運亨通、五豐穀收、恭喜發財、中六合彩、旗開得勝、東成西就、橫財就手、歡樂年年、步步高陞、水漲船高、波馬亨通、生意興隆、搵好份工、闔家歡樂、虎虎生威、百業興旺、黃金萬兩、新春如意、福星高照、家庭幸福、竹報平安、笑口常開、家庭和美、八方來財、富貴有餘、千事吉祥、精神爽利、老少平安、花開富貴、萬事勝意、上落平安、心想事成、虎步龍行、豐衣足食、財源廣進、新春納吉、天下太平、財運亨通、貨如輪轉、身壯力健、六六大順、百事亨通、身體健康、迎春接福、吉祥如意、進宅大吉、金玉滿堂、闔境平安、金銀滿屋、門庭若市、人興財旺、開張大吉、事業成就、飛黃騰達、三陽開泰、龍馬精神、一本萬利、做好份工^^
Dress and Wreath from Zenith - Cherry Blossoms (Red and Pink)
Hair from Tukinowaguma - Sadie
Skin from Glam Affair - Sia Skin (Fairy Tales - America 08)
Earrings from Mandala - Shippoah (Gold and Silver)
Shoes from Ricielli - Lady Peep (Red)
Items from Love Is In The Air
Dress from LpD - Angela Dress (White)
Skin from Glam Affair - Sophia Polar (Love in the air 07)
Hair from Tableau Vivant - Liebe Hair (Blonde)
Necklace from Swallow - StreamPunk Heart (Woman
Shoes from Eudora 3D - Dahlia Pumps
Items from Love Is In The Air
Dress from GizzA - Cecelia Dress (Cream)
Heels from GizzA - L'amour (Cream)
Hair from Wasabi Pills - Valentina (Rya)
Skin from Glam Affair - Sophie Polar - Love in the Air 01
Necklace from Maxi Gossamer - Little Memory Locket (Short)
Flower from LaGyo - Flower Silhouette (Mouth)
Pose from Label Motion - Lindsey Pose
Hair from D!va - Angelica (Moon Stone)
Skin from Glam Affair - Love In The Air (Sophie Polar - 04)
Dress from Baiastice - Karin (Mint)
Glasses from Crie Style - Voglia (Cacao)
Wall Frames from Build Works -L8ve Frames (Black)
Balloons from What Next - Sweetheart Balloons Decor and Balloon Photo Holder
Pose from Label Motion - Misha Pose
Shirt from NYU in FaMESHed - Stripe Ruffle Collared Shirt (Pink)
Skirt from NYU in FaMESHed - Pocket Skater Skirt (Green)
Shoes from Glamistry - Statice Heels
Skin from Glam Affair in COLLABOR88 - Sia Skin (Fairy Tales - America)
Earrings from Mandala - Shippoah (Black)
Hair from booN - YN0421 (Blonde)
Eyelashes from MaiBilavio - Clump Princess Lash
Sunglasses from Zoom - Ozzy Sunglass