Left is Nicky Ree's Wish and Right is aDiva's new dress Cherish

I am wearing is Nicky's Spring Romance and the pic on the back is aDiva's Cinderella
Friend sent me the first pic woo i said woo Nicky make new color of Wish dress ? she said NO.. this one looks like nicky , smells like nicky but it not nicky's - it is somoene else's - aDiva .... omg lol how look so familiar ... Nicy Ree released her Wish dress is at June 23th 2007 .... and she made for RC Wish jewlery set and Calla's new hair that i know ... hmm i donno just feel hmm then i fly to aDiva ... i found her pink dress top's and skirt's shading also look familiar ... hmmm ... and i have summer dress from Nicky so i took pic and hmm ...
I think you're on to something, hun. And GOOD FOR YOU for speaking up about it.
I'm just sick for Nicky. She's a good friend of mine and just the sweetest gal you'd ever want to meet. She messaged me yesterday about her Julia gown and her catsuit. I put them on and went to compare at the aDiva shop. I was pretty sure it was copied. But having seen that Wish gown side by side with the other one... I'm really infuriated.
The Wish collection was a joint effort evolving from Random Calliope's Constellations set, Nicky's Wish gown and my Flowering Reed hair. I saw Nicky working on that dress and actually saw several stages of it before the finished version. I know the amount of time and effort she put into it, and that collection was a truly inspired trio by Random, Nicky and myself. It just makes me sick seeing someone else so blatantly copy her, and more so because I hold a special love for that dress.
Kudos to you for bringing this to public attention.
Why on earth did you blog about this?! I heard about it but chose to AVOID blogging it because obviously there is an issue where a body can rip Nicky's textures. Good job, you just opened her up to MORE stolen textures. Next time, let the Lindens handle this issue quietly.
Dear Tenshi Vielle,
I think Mui is a true journalist. She did not say a thing. It is ppl like you and me that see with our own eyes how this person is a SCAM..
Mui just said the truth. she let US decide. .. and what we see is obvious..
As a Calla, Nicky and Random customer I am revolted at this so called "designer" that sells her "stolen" creations more expensive than the orginal Nicky's.
Mui states the obvious but lets us decide.. YOU ROCK MUI!!!!!!!!!
Anita, you're not getting the full picture here. This texture-ripping, then modding in photoshop, is a glitch on the PLATFORM, one of many I have seen this week, and should most definetely NOT be mentioned by the bloggers on the PUBLISHED, fully accessible internet - lest this type of activity become an epidemic. If she really was concerned she should have considered this and simply notified co-content creators in-world, privately.
Lay off Mui! She wasn't sure if it was a copy or not, so she put it up for us to look over. I'm rather glad she did. Now I know not to shop at aDiva's
Sorry I do get the full picture. in my line of work I talk to IP (intellectual property) lawyers on a regular basis. This is not a LL problem .. the platform is opensource but IP is IP .. stealing is stealing and copying is copying.
This is not "inspired by Nicky Ree" but stolen.. see the stomach -- zoom into the picture an count the seams..this is a freaky steal..
see the old blog from tigerlilly and that triangle in the middle of the stomach is even more OBVIOUS!
I personally took pictures of the dress before it was released.. (I personally was there when rezzed in Callatropia, I have pictures in my inventory dated and it is my face in Random Calliope's wish sd... so I know the dress as I know my avie.. I have early pictures of the jewlery, the dress and the hair)
Mui said nothing .. she let us decide.. if she was going to a court of law she said "hummm" similar.. she never said copied.. it is ppl like you and me that see the obvious.. I have proof in my inventory, so does tigerlilly, so does Nicky that the Wish dress was in our inventory way before this dress was released.. again I am revolted at ppl doing this to the best in SL (note how aDiva copied Nonna and Sherona degroot style too not their textures but style for sure).
Mui never ever posted anything about anything ... I decided it was a copy when I saw the detail. Rownan is right - Mui just did her job as a journalist.. she let us decide.. I decided based on when Wish gown was in my inventory and what I saw in those pics... the lawyers must decide themselves if Nicky does sue - as she should...
I think as good Sl citizens we need to close that store forever!
Seriously, thank you for letting me know about this Mui. It let me and a few int he fashion community who did not know about this help Nicky some and hopefully we can get the shop closed down.
Well...theft can be done with or without the client. Unfortunately the medium in SL for content creation is not secure AT ALL. I think we all know the sticky situation here- similar to when I saw Oprah once interview some reformed criminal who explained on live TV how he got around animals and other things- he described in detail how it was done- enough so I could replicate it myself if I cared to- so I can say that I feel incredibly saddened that someone would steal another persons hard work so easily and display it so disgustingly. In my line of work we don't discuss bad exploits to the public, while that sounds secretive, it's important to protect systems and release the info after the fix is done. I believe that is what Tenshi was getting at in her comment earlier and I wouldn't chastise her b/c she knew about it but wouldn't blog or talk about it. It's important if you find a bug in the client to alert the Lindens or find a trusting client developer to pass it along to. We (as a group of content creators in Second Life) are treading some legal issues that haven't been thought of yet- partially at least it has - but we are also fighting a legacy system of laws that didn't even comprehend what we do daily here. So it's murky and frustrating at best. -Kesseret
Firstly, I do not think this is an exploit, there are many ways someone can lift textures to use and sadly there is no way we can completely protect our work.
I spoke to the person via IM the moment I new about the copying of my textures and asked her to stop using my textures and take down the clothes that used them. But she denied that she copied any of my textures. Look at the pictures and judge for yourself.
I like Mui and I don't mind that she reported this.
I am one of Nicky Ree Fans too. When she sent me the pictures I really shocked since it is really alike. Nicky Ree has her own colour tones, shading base, her own styles. Everybody know it. To be honest, Mui just show only 2 dresses here but I can tell you there are not only 2 dresses that can say similar to Nicky Ree design. Well if you say colour tones, dress design are always similar even in real life... Yes that is.. But do you think that hand drawing of the shadings on the clothing texture will be 100% the same between 2 people?
This outfit creator not only get "inspiration" from Nicky, but also Nonna, sherona & other designers. Well, I don't comment anything about if she is "thief/copycat" or not; if she did right or not Since it will just make more mean & immature people attack me maybe. But just like what mui posted, she just posted what the "fact" she saw & let's readers to think by their ownself openly. Anything wrong about that? Well in this case, I bet even linden can do nothing since this is just similar but not clone. I bet Mui show that is just do her best to help sl residents to identify what is "Original" & prevent from wasting money in buying something more expensive but not original.
Why do you think designers not happy when they find others make something "SIMILAR/ SAME" as their own work? Try design & make something by your OWNSELF by using your heart & time. & then think about if there is someone copy your designs no matter for own use or for money, what will you feel?
Yes I agree that everyone start learning skills & techniques from famous designers when they are new. But it doesn't mean you can make use of their designs for money/ gifting out/ for own use without any permissions of the original designers. But well I know that those without creative, without heart, without imagination will never understand this & never know what's the meaning of "respect". & they will never admit what they did.
What a pity!
Thank you for posting this, Mui. I feel bad for not noticing that this stuff was copied, but weren't you in one of her shows too? Seems like a lot of folks were fooled. No wonder her stuff looked "in a similar vein" to Nicki's! I feel awful. :(((
omg just know that Blaze designs be one of her "inspirations" target too!
Check out :-
Hi Georgette
You didn't know and were new at it... but at least now we know of her copy work and what she did.
I'm NOT saying Mui didn't find a valid copy cat. I'm not saying I don't agree with her opinions on this.
I'm SAYING she shouldn't have blogged about it, because given the other copies I've heard of recently, this IS a new exploit and SHOULD NOT BE BROADCAST.
It has to do with the release of OpenGL.
I think with Mui blogging this "exploit" it will make people shy away from using it. Knowing that us fashionistas will jump your ass ASAP would be a great reason to NOT steal. And it's better we know NOW, not AFTER we've bought the dresses, and have someone else in game yell at us "You bought copied outfits! EWW"
I just don't get the point... Open software is not the discussion point here.
again let me state facts
1)LL has nothing to do with this..this is not a software flaw
2)Intellectual property is Intellectual property and stealing it is penalized by law in any country http://www.wipo.int/about-ip/en/
3)A judge can decide if stolen or not... My eyes tell me what I see..
but pixel by pixel it can be enhanced and an in-depth analysis can be done. Let the facts speak!
4)As consumers we can just buy the best (which are cheaper -Nicky 680 - aDiva 850)
Mui, thank you so much for letting us know about this so that we won't be deceived from buying from a thief.
You presented evidence the way it should be presented (not like Tenshi who is all talk and no substance).
Blaze presented the evidence too:
I guess it won't be long before Tenshi calls on Blaze for pointing out the "exploit". ahh the irony.
I need to learn how to click preview instead of publish. :)
You've done nothing wrong Mui.
Your post says nothing about an exploit. Tenshi saw the pictures, made the the connection, and disclosed the exploit and its source in her comments to your post AND her own blog. While claiming that your post, which does not have a whiff or a mention of an exploit, is dangerous to creators and needs to be pulled. It doesn't make a lick of sense.
Mui, thank you for showing the picture evidence. I had heard briefly about this yesterday but had been too busy in rl to check it out fully. I am not sure where the exploit part comes into it because you do not mention anything of the sort.
I don't want to buy from someone who steals from others hard work. so I'm glad Miu bought this to the attention of the shopping world.and let me know who selling others hard work.
Bravo that this is at the forefront. Thank you Mui for saying it and never apologize for bringing forward something so important. It is brave and right.
Tigerlily said it best, I think. I agree with her every word.
Now the question is what to do about copy-cats who have gained any respect whatsoever off the work of others.
Nicky Ree, Blaze, Nonna-- these are among the best designers in Second Life. It doesn't surprise me that their work is being copied.
Copying is wrong, however, and needs to be exposed when it is found. Good work, Mui.
Thanks all support wooo hug hug woooo... i am soo glad i have so many friends woooo... i feel .. /cried heart feelings .. thanks again and again
Tenshi... please do not comment on technical matters.
The "exploit" is not new, it's the same one that's been used for two years. And it will be used for years and years to come.
The same tool can be used to rip textures for any game out there. It has nothing to do with how secure the platform is, nor is it something LL's can prevent.
Come on people call off your attack dogs! That dress was worn by Grace freaking Kelly AND Ava Gardner!
Before you call someone names get your fashion straight. Plato said there is nothing new under the sun get over yourself! How many Diane Von firstenburg dresses do you see in JC PENNy for gadsSAKE! Was it theivery or jealousy that set this off?
Well - whadda I say!!
My friend set this lady up in business some time ago and has since parted company due to personal differences.
But one thing I can say - my friend is a huge fan of Nicky and Nonna and from what she has said this designer in question from aDIVA has openly mentioned to her that she has a texture copier that rips textures from other designers work.
Nuff said I think.
Dear Eda,
Refering to your comment saying that "Before you call someone names get your fashion straight."
May I ask 100% texture shading base in SL related to fashion sense? Well, sorry maybe our English is so suck so make you confuse what we are trying to mention about. Let me copy some text from my previous comment again:-
"Nicky Ree has her own colour tones, shading base, her own styles. Everybody know it. To be honest, Mui just show only 2 dresses here but I can tell you there are not only 2 dresses that can say similar to Nicky Ree design. Well if you say colour tones, dress design are always similar even in real life... Yes that is.. But do you think that hand drawing of the shadings on the clothing texture will be 100% the same between 2 people?"
Well the point is .. we are not just talk about the designs but the main point is "texture riping". We are not here to attack anyone but just want to protect our art our work when LL can't help with this.
Ive watched this Adiva thing unfold and someone even accused me of being Annejoy because I spoke up. I think the tactics envolved in this are adhorant. The woman accused was out of town and didn't even get a chance to respond to the accusations. It wasn't her innocence or guilt that made me so made it was the tactics of her accusers. When asked the truth of this matter I was cursed at. First they stood outside the shop in question and handed out
notecards, then they harassed the landowner until she closed the shop, then placed an ad in the store... Now in the real fashion world people use each others fabric designs and ideas all the time...I want to know what are the rules for this game? Or does anyone with an issue or gripe have the right to start character assination on anyone? Now innocence or guilt you tell me was it right? Fair? and who is the judge and jury?
A) Eda is aDiva's (whatever her name is alt)
B) Is naive
C) Cant see this is a pixel by pixel copy
D) Wants attention
E) All of the Above
Dear Eda,
It seems that you think "copy" others art & work is RIGHT, well not really planning to discuss about this with you since I think you really don't know how designer feel when they find that their work got copy. It's not just about the rule but "respect". sorry to quote my previous comment here again:-
"Why do you think designers not happy when they find others make something "SIMILAR/ SAME" as their own work? Try design & make something by your OWNSELF by using your heart & time. & then think about if there is someone copy your designs no matter for own use or for money, what will you feel?"
"Yes I agree that everyone start learning skills & techniques from famous designers when they are new. But it doesn't mean you can make use of their designs for money/ gifting out/ for own use without any permissions of the original designers. But well I know that those without creative, without heart, without imagination will never understand this & never know what's the meaning of "respect". & they will never admit what they did."
Well I will stop posting any comment here since "Argue" with someone that don't know how to RESPECT others is just waste my time & increase more people to attack me. That's all I want to say is "RESPECT artist designs = respect yourself".
Good luck!
Eda, think of it as art. Nicky Ree handdrawn her "fabric" (textures) and conceptualized the design. This is her "painting". What ADiva did is take Nicky's Art and modified it and claimed it as her own by selling it- this is akin to taking a Mona Lisa, giving her a moustache, and calling it your masterpiece.
Eda, as you said... please get your facts straight. You quoted 'There is nothing new under the sun' as being from Plato, but that is actually from the book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible, written by Solomon.
Mimicing a design or designing a similar rendition of an outfit is one thing, ripping texture files straight out of the SL software and using it as yours, embellished or not is another. The later seems to be the case here.
I am no one's Alt I just happen to believe in a form of justice that doesn't involve lynching or slander. You see I'm someone with a different opinion than yours there fore I am an Adiva Alt? I don't think so. Nor am I a bully, who instead of going through proper channels attacks other businesses to force them to do your will. If I want to get rid of a vendor it should be my decision not a mob. If someone is guilty of a crime they should be punished by the authorities not a mob. I am not an Alt of anyone and no one pulls my strings either. I find it shameful and childish behavior. I also find it highly amusing that instead of debating the issue you immediately started name calling. I feel for Nicky but I also feel it's not right to punish everyone who knew this woman and worked for her and had land she used...it's a vengance train wreak waiting to happen. And I miss quoted so sue me...no come after me because I won't bend to your will and agree with how you handled this.
While you quote the bible please do not forget the part about forgiveness and kindness...Oh and while you're at it...Casting stones. I'm not your enemy I am the mirror that reflects another idea and form of thought. My last time reading this...have at it turning my back to you.
plagiarism. is it too hard to grasp that it is wrong?
As an owner of a SL-company, we are also having problems with people who are stealing intellectual property, either by building the same object (mostly simply copied via mirror tool) or making unauthorized copies of textures.
As soon as i IM these IP-Pirates, they normally block from any discussion, they do not realize that they are infringing existing laws.
They think SL is just a game and everything is allowed.
In fact, it is not!!
It is hard to go against these people, because LL is not supporting creators, the way they should do.
The only way to make them stop copiing objects and textures is to destroy their reputation.
Show their products and the original in your store ...
Write comments at the SLX items ...
Do everything to make them look as they really are... stupid copytool users without any sense of phantasy or knowledge of building and texturing.
Think we are in need of a "Hall of shame" where everybody can see the results of succesfull copying.
May their hands rot off!!!
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